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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

looking for color

As fall approaches it can be a little hard for me to get into the spirit of the season. Maybe it's because I look outside and it still feels like the heart of summer! Living so far south can make it difficult. I'm used to seeing the leaves turning colors throughout the rolling hills of West Virginia. Instead, I look outside at the palm trees swaying in the heat of a sunny beach day. I'm not complaining but it is a bit of a challenge to get fully into the spirit of the season.
My solution is to dig deep into my decorating hoard
insearch of color.
As soon as an autumnal palette starts to appear from my boxes and cupboards, I can feel like fall is near...

I always try to tackle one room at a time when I start to decorate for a new season or holiday.
This way decorating the entire house doesn't seem quite as intimidating.
My kitchen undergoes the transformation first...

I like to use my vintage kitchen utensils as decorations. The red, green and orange colors are perfect... 

My kitchen collection includes everything from canning equiptment to cookie cutters... 

to garden and bird books...
and gorgeous binoculars...

and an assortment of lovely linens too!

Now it's starting to feel like fall.

One room down!
Happy fall ya'll.

1 comment :

  1. I appreciate and marvel at the use of small objects to make a big statement
