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Sunday, June 28, 2020

finding my spark

I’m sorry for my disappearing act.

It’s been such a difficult time with all of the worrisome strife in the world. It takes a vicious toll on my soul.

One day I was admiring some pictures on a friend’s social media page. She’s an incredible artist and somehow she has been creating throughout this quarantine period. One day I reached out and asked her...

"What is your secret?"

Her response was much more simple than I expected.

"Pick up your camera and take a picture."

How could it possibly be that simple? But then again, I hadn't touched my camera in what seemed like ages. I had lost my spark.

So I took her advice, grabbed my camera, went out to the garden and took a couple of pictures. I can't say there were any gems in the batch, but it was a start.

From that point on I have been spending more time in the garden, more time sewing, more time crafting and a lot less time stewing over the state of our world.

I feel content...
a sense of peace is beginning to come over me.

Hopefully my creative spirit is being restored. Thank you for bearing with my absence. I hope you will visit me again...

Stay healthy, both physically and mentally.

And to my creative social media friends, thank you for all of the inspiration and encouragement. It means more than you realize.

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