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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

nothing goes to waste

It is hard for me to be quick to throw things away. The crafter in me wants to find a use and a purpose for everything. So I wanted to share what I did with the calamondin peels from the previous post. I love to dry citrus peels for all sorts of things...from potpourri to bath salts to tea infusions.
First start with the calamondin peels...
The calamondin-ade was a big hit! And the peels were so easy to remove in large pieces. Perfect for drying!

Once dry, I added them to my pile of favorite scented things from the garden and pantry...

I tend to like scents for the home that are a blend of citrus, spice and a subtle floral note. I added the calamondin peels to a potpourri in need of a pick-me-up. I also added dried lavender, cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise, rosemary and a few drops of lavender oil.

I will also use the spices and peels for tea infusions! It tastes great served hot or cold. You can also package the scented mixture for sachets!

Nothing feels better than a hot bath at the end of a long day. I will take all of the items from the potpourri blend and add oatmeal then grind everything to incorporate. Add the mixture to Epsom salts and voila...the perfect homemade bath salt!

Use your favorite dried ingredients to make wonderful household scents or flavorful tea infusions. Perfect for everyday or even better to give away as gifts! Now I just need to go pick more calamondins...
I do enjoy the simple things in life.
Every day is a gift...

Saturday, March 17, 2018

happy st. patrick's day

May this St. Patrick's day be filled with happiness, love, good health and of course...lots of luck!
To you and yours...
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Friday, March 9, 2018


A few months ago I moved off of Sanibel and into a dream. I feel so blessed. Every day I am exploring the house and the beautiful property. It's an old home built in 1925. Finding something old with loads of character on the Gulf Coast of South Florida was not easy, but we did it! Nesting has been so much fun! And I'm also getting to know the grounds that someone so lovingly created many years ago...from the old grape arbor to the beautiful garden paths to the side lawn that leads to the water. We've named the side of the property the orchard because of the old fruit trees. I guess it is fitting that an old property would have old trees. I was hoping the lush sweet smelling fruit were tangerines. After one bite there was no doubt that it was absolutely not a tangerine! It was my mom and dad who identified the fruit immediately when they were visiting...calamondin!
What on Earth is a calamondin...?

Well I might not know what they are, but I knew exactly what I was going to do with them!

Over the past few years I've been doing my best when life kept handing me lemons. Now it's handing me calamondins so I'm making calamondin-ade!

I dug out my old glass juicer and strained out the pulp and seeds...

...added some ice...

...and a lot of sugar!

Then I cleaned a few cute sections...

...topped off the pitcher with ice water...

...and calamondinade was born!

A sprig of mint was the perfect way...

to spruce up my refreshing treat.

When life gets tough you might get handed lemons or calamondins or something else altogether. But when it does, do your best to make the most of it. It is easier said than done and I know that all too well. Maybe we can all encourage each other through the good times and the bad. I wish I could share my pitcher of calamondinade but this is the next best thing. Sending out hugs to anyone who needs one!
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