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Friday, January 1, 2021


 It's almost hard to believe that 2020 is finally behind us. It feels surreal looking back over the past twelve months.

I lost my way, my joy and my creativity on many occasions. I stopped and tried to restart my creative journey several times. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find a way to continue creating home and garden posts. My mind was filled with the dread that played over and over again on the daily news: racial unrest, hatred, Covid-19, growing death rates, a political mess and social isolation.

Well, I've had a change of heart. It's not a time to give up on my's time to find it and hold on with all my might. So I awaken to a new day in a new year, look outside my bedroom windows into a day filled with sunshine and thank God for all the blessings yet to come.

Sharing creativity is one small way I can put an ounce of positivity out into the universe.

So as sun sets on this day, I will reflect on the past year with a grateful heart. I will also try not to let negativity win. I don't know if this is a real "new year's resolution", but I do think I should be resolved to hold onto the things that bring me joy.

For all of you who have visited my blog from time to time, I thank you from the bottom of me heart. 

Are there things you struggled with over the past year? We were all experiencing the same storm, yet we were all in completely different boats. I would love to hear how you weathered the storm. There is much we can learn from one another.

Thank you for stopping by today!

Happy New Year...


  1. I too stopped my posting on social media. It just didn't seem relevant. I'm finally realizing that making time for doing something that brings me joy is the same as self care. I hope to get back to posting more soon too. I'm glad you are feeling better about getting back out there too

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