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Thursday, July 23, 2020

fairy garden

 Fairy gardens are so special.

And I love them all!

Making a container fairy garden is so simple.

Just start with a clean container with either drainage holes or a thin layer of small rock in the bottom.

Now add a layer of well draining soil.

It's time to add starter plants like fern and ivy.

Place a layer of clean decorative tiny river pebbles and/or moss around the plants.

Once you're pleased with the plantings, place your fairy in her garden.

I like to add very small gifts for the fairies... like acorn tops full of jelly, tiny cups of honey and little notes.

It takes so little for me to escape the real world. I can visit my fairies and be transported to a magical place where there are no worries, no sickness and no suffering.

I hope you have a way to escape too.

I'll see you in wonderland...

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