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Friday, January 3, 2020

winter gardening

Now that the holidays have passed, so has the chaos of the shopping, baking and entertaining. It's important to now decompress. My favorite way to do this is to garden.

I live in a climate that is suitable for year long gardening, but I would like to share a Zen gardening project that anyone can do no matter where you live...
Working with succulents.
I have succulents in my outdoor gardens, outdoor containers and indoor planters. I will simply take cuttings from some of my longer leggy plants...
Mature stems can have multiple offshoots that can be separated into multiple new plants...

The offshoot needs to be cleanly cut from the main plant as close to the stem as possible.
Large succulents can grow long and leggy. I cut this one right above the new baby plants...
Each of these babies on the main stem now have the opportunity to grow to mature beautiful succulents.

Gently remove any dried leaves
from the stem of the newly cut succulent.

Give new stems a chance to harden over or callus.
This simply means the end of the stem needs to have a chance to dry for at least a week.

If you do not have mature plants to work with, visit your local garden center (or shop online) for starter succulents.
Click HERE to visit Walmart online: $12.79 for 10 cuttings.
Porous containers with a drainage hole, like a clean terra cotta pot, work best for succulent gardens. The plants need to have an environment that can drain well so the roots won't rot.

You can use store bought cactus soil or make your own mix...
3 parts potting soil
2 parts coarse clean sand
1 part perlite

Pack the soil lightly then create a starter hole. Place the dried stem of your cutting into the soil.

Continue to work all the way around the container leaving small spaces between each plant for growing room. Place succulents with trailing properties around the outside.  

Lightly and evenly water the plant and place the containers in a sunny window. Don't water again until the soil has completely dried out. The roots will take hold in no time at all. This is a peaceful and relaxing way to have a lovely gardening moment in the middle of a winter afternoon.


  1. Thanks for the winter gardening ideas. I love succulents and some of mine have gotten leggy. Now I'm inspired to put together a new planter. The photos are helpful to someone like me who lacks the creative gene

    1. I feel so honored to have a biggest fan! Sending you hugs!!!
